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/// WHAT'S HOT / Report: Lille, World Design Capital 2020

                                                                         So, what is the thinking behind this new “offsite”
                                                                         Louvre? The aim is to make the artwork of the most
                                                                         renowned museum in the world accessible to the largest
                                                                         audience possible, and at the same time to showcase the
                                                                         transformation that the region is currently undergoing.
                                                                         The poetry of the clean lines of the Louvre-Lens
               LOUVRE-LENS MUSEUM                                        are in perfect harmony with the treasures it stores
               LENS (FRANCE)                                             inside. They were created by the architects Kazuyo
                                                                         Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa of SANAA, who were
               SANAA AGENCY (JAPAN)                                      also responsible for the Institute of Modern Art
                                                                         in Valencia, the Museum of Contemporary Art in
                                                                         Kanazawa, as well as the vertiginous Dior store in Tokyo.
               THE LOUVRE-LENS MUSEUM IS A SUMPTUOUS GLASS PALACE        This transparent pavilion extends for 360 meters, creating
               SURROUNDED BY GREEN SPACES AND WIDE-OPEN SKIES.           the illusion of floating in the middle of the surrounding
               IT OPENED ITS DOORS TO THE PUBLIC IN DECEMBER  2012,      park.  There are three entry points, underlining their
               ADDING A NEW DIMENSION TO THE CULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF       vision for a truly public space in the city of Lens, where
               THE NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS REGION.                            communication and cultural exchanges would prevail.


           DELABIE products installed:
           TEMPOSOFT MIX time flow basin mixer (Ref. 742000)
           TEMPOSOFT MIX 2 time flow basin mixer (Ref. 742500)
           TEMPOFIX 3 WC frame system with TEMPOFLUX 2 time flow
           direct flush WC valve (Ref. 578305 + 578222)
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